4-star hotelel hotel de 4 estrellas
abroadel extranjero
ahead of timecon anticipación
alcoholic drinkla copa
bellhopel botones
blanketla manta
boardinghousela pensión
border (noun)la frontera
bus stopla parada de autobús
customs (at airport, etc.)la aduana
double roomla habitación doble
dream tripel viaje de sueños
envelopeel sobre
form (to fill out)el formulario
front desk (at hotel), receptionla recepción
full, no vacancycompleto
guest (female)la huésped
guest (male)el huésped
hotelel hotel
inspector (female)la inspectora
inspector (male)el inspector
kioskel quiosco
lodgingel alojamiento
luxury hotelel hotel de lujo
maidla criada
mailel correo
match (noun)el fósforo
milkshakeel batido
packageel paquete
passportel pasaporte
pastryel pastel
pastry shopla pastelería
pharmacyla farmacia
pillowla almohada
post officela oficina de correos
reservationla reservación
roomla habitación
room and full boardla pensión completa
room serviceel servicio de cuartos
room with attached bathla habitación con baño
room with attached showerla habitación con ducha
room with breakfast + one other mealpensión media
shampooel champú
sheetslas sábanas
single roomla habitación individual
soapel jabón
stampla estampilla
stationeryel papel para cartas
stationery storela papelería
stay (noun - time spent in a place)la estancia
subway stopla estación del metro
tip (to an employee, etc.)la propina
to confirmconfirmar
to cross (a street)cruzar
to perform a search (in luggage, etc.)registrar
to stay (in a hotel, etc.)alojarse
tobacco stand/ shopel estanco
toothpastela pasta dental
towella toalla
traveler (female)la viajera
traveler (male)el viajero
vacant, unoccupieddesocupado