a keyboardun clavier
a mouseune souris
a printerune imprimante
a rocketune fusée
a screenun écran
a search engineun outil de recherche
informationles renseignements
keys (on a computer)des touches
the Internetl'inforoute
the areale domaine
the centuryle siècle
the knowledgela connaissance
the marketle marché
the newsl'actualité
the reseachla recherche
to accessaccéder
to allowpermettre
to build, constructconstruire
to connect (to the Internet)se brancher
to have heard ofentendre parler de
to launchlancer
to pressappuyer
to receiverecevoir
to savesauvegarder
to sendenvoyer
to spenddépenser
to pressappuyer
to receiverecevoir
to savesauvegarder
to sendenvoyer
to spenddépenser