actionde acción
adventurede aventuras
artistic (f)artística
artistic (m)artístico
audienceel público
cartoonslos dibujos animados
channelel canal
characterel personaje
classical (f)clásica
classical (m)clásico
comedyla comedia
composer (f)la compositora
composer (m)el compositor
concertel concierto
craftsmanshipla artesanía
culturela cultura
dance (f)la danza
dance (m)el baile
dancer (f)la bailarina
dancer (m)el bailarín
director (f)la directora
director (m)el director
documentaryel documental
dramael drama
dramatic (f)dramática
dramatic (m)dramático
festivalel festival
fine artslas bellas artes
folk (f)folklórica
folk (m)folklórico
foreign (f)extranjera
foreign (m)extranjero
game showel concurso
historyla historia
horrorde horror
main characterel personaje principal
masterpiecela obra maestra
modern (f)moderna
modern (m)moderno
movie starla estrella de cine
musicla música
musician (f)la música
musician (m)el músico
operala ópera
orchestrala orquesta
paintingla pintura
playwright (f)la dramaturga
playwright (m)el dramaturgo
poemel poema
poet (f)la poeta
poet (m)el poeta
poetryla poesía
potteryla cerámica
prizeel premio
romantic (f)romántica
romantic (m)romántico
science fictionde ciencia ficción
sculptor (f)la escultora
sculptor (m)el escultor
sculpturela escultura
short storyel cuento
showel espectáculo
singer (f)la cantante
singer (m)el cantante
soap operala telenovela
songla canción
statuela estatua
talented (f)talentosa
talented (m)talentoso
talk showel programa de entrevistas
theaterel teatro
ticketel boleto
to applaudaplaudir
to appreciateapreciar
to directdirigir
to get boredaburrirse
to paintpintar
to play a musical instrumenttocar un instrumento musical
to play the role ofhacer el papel de
to presentpresentar
to publishpublicar
to sculptesculpir
to touchtocar
tragedyla tragedia
weavingel tejido
westernde vaqueros
work (of art, music, etc.)la obra
writer (f)la escritora
writer (m)el escritor
weavingel tejido
westernde vaqueros
work (of art, music, etc.)la obra
writer (f)la escritora
writer (m)el escritor