business managementla gestion
chemistryla chimie
classun cours
computer sciencel'informatique
diplomaun diplôme
fashion designle stylisme de mode
foreign languagesles langues étrangères
geographyla géographie
gradeune note
gymnasiumun gymnase
homeworkles devoirs
humanitiesles lettres
lawle droit
mathmematiquesles mathématiques
philosophyla philosophie
physical educationl'education physique
physicsla physique
political sciencela science politique
psychologyla psychologie
scholorshipune bourse
schoolune école
to arrivearriver
to askdemander
to attendassister à
to begincommencer
to drawdessiner
to eatmanger
to explainexpliquer
to failéchouer
to findtrouver
to forgetoublier
to givedonner
to hatedétester
to have dinnerdîner
to likeaimer
to listen (to)écouter
to live (in)habiter
to look (at)regarder
to look forchercher
to loveadorer
to meetrencontrer
to meet up withretrouver
to preferpréférer
to preparepréparer
to returnrentrer
to sharepartager
to speakparler
to studyétudier
to take an exampasser un examen
to teachenseigner
to telephonetéléphoner
to thinkpenser
to travelvoyager
to visitvisiter
to worktravailler
university cafeteriaun restaurant universitaire