How do you feel? (formal)Estoy enfermo/a.
How do you feel? (informal)¿Cómo se siente?
I am sickMe siento débil.
I don't feel well¿Qué te pasa?
I feel fineMe siento mal.
I feel weakMe siento bien.
I have a ... acheTengo dolor de ...
What's the matter? (formal)Me duele(n) ...
What's the matter? (informal)¿Qué le pasa?
armel brazo
backla espalda
bodyel cuerpo
coldla tos
combel peine
conditionerel rinse
coughel hospital
deodorantel desodorante
doctorel/la enfermero/a
earslas orejas
eyeslos ojos
facela cara
feverla gripe
fingerel dedo
fluel resfriado
footel pie
gelel gel
hairel pelo
hairbrushel cepillo (de pelo)
handla mano
headla cabeza
hospitalla farmacia
legla pierna
medicationslos medicamentos
mouthla boca
neckel cuello
nosela nariz
nurseel/la enfermo/a
painla fiebre
patient¿Cómo te sientes?
pharmacyel/la médico/a
shampooel champú
shaving creamla crema de afeitar
soapel jabón
stomachel estómago
teethlos dientes
throatla garganta
to be in shapehacer deportes
to brush (hair ; teeth)cepillarse
to comb hairpeinarse
to drink a lot of waterbeber mucha agua
to eat badlycorrer
to eat well comer bienseguir una dieta balanceada
to exerciselevantar pesas
to fall asleepdormirse
to follow a balanced dietcomer mal
to get dressedvestirse
to get uplevantarse
to get washedlavarse
to go to bedacostarse
to hearoír
to lift weightsel dolor
to play sportshacer ejercicio
to put on makeupmaquillarse
to restestar en forma
to runcuidarse
to seever
to smelloler
to take a bathbañarse
to take a showerducharse
to take care of oneselfdescansar
to take medicinetomar medicamentos
to tastesaborear
to touchtocar
to wake updespertarse
to walkcaminar
toeel dedo del pie
toothbrushel cepillo de dientes
toothpastela pasta de dientes
towella toalla