I would likequisiera
bootslas botas
camerala cámara
cathedralla catedral
cityla ciudad
coatel abrigo
country (USA, France, etc.)el país
gloveslos guantes
holy cow!¡vaya!
it's a good thing thatmenos mal que
it's cloudyestá nublado/está cubierto
it's coldhace frío
it's coolhace fresco
it's hothace calor
it's nice weatherhace buen tiempo
it's rainingllueve/está lloviendo
it's really coldhace mucho frío
it's really hothace mucho calor
it's snowingnieva/está nevando
it's sunnyhace sol
it's windyhace viento
its bad weatherhace mal tiempo
lakeel lago
mountainslas montañas
museumel museo
passportel pasaporte
piramidla pirámide
places of interestlos lugares de interés
raincoatel impermeable
rainforestla selva tropical
ruinslas ruinas
scarfla bufanda
ski capel gorro
suitcasela maleta
sunglasseslos anteojos de sol
sunscreenel bronceador
swimsuitel traje de baño
the seael mar
to be able to, canpoder
to buy souvenierscomprar recuerdos
to climbsubir
to exploreexplorar
to go outsalir
to plan to/think aboutpensar
to restdescansar
to returnregresar
to row a boatpasear en bote
to scuba divebucear
to skiesquiar
to sun tantomar el sol
to take photossacar las fotos
to visitvisitar
to wear/carryllevar
towella toalla
umbrellael paraguas
vacationslas vacaciones
waterfallslas cataratas
what's the weather like today?¿qué tiempo hace hoy?