All right.Está bien.
Do you want to...?¿Quieres...?/¿Quieres?
Hello. (Talk/Speak)Diga./Diga
Hello. (slang)Aló./Aló
His/her line is busy.Su línea está ocupada.
I already have plans.Ya tengo planes.
I'd like OR I would likeme gustaría/Me gustaría
I'll call later.Llamo más tarde.
I'm sorry, but I can't.Lo siento, pero no puedo.
It's my treatTe invito/te invito
May I leave a message?¿Puedo dejar un recado?
Of course!¡Claro que sí!
Of course! (Why not!)¡Cómo no!
Who's calling?¿De parte de quién?
Would you like...?¿Te gustaría...?/¿Te gustaría?
a birthday partyuna fiesta de cumpleaños/de cumpleaños
a graduation partyuna fiesta de graduación/de graduación
a surprise partyuna fiesta de sorpresa/de sorpresa
an anniversary partyuna fiesta de aniversario
an appointmentuna cita
going to (do something)ir + a + infinative/ir + a + inf.
maybe some other daytal vez otro día
one momentun momento
the amusement parkel parque de atracciones
the anthropology museumel museo de antropología
the aquariumel acuario
the circusel circo
the cityla ciudad
the countryel campo
the eventel evento
the lakeel lago
the placeel lugar
the theater (for plays)el teatro
the weddingla boda
the zooel zoológico
to be in a hurrytener prisa
to be readyestar listo/estar lista
to be sleepytener sueño
to beginempezar
to brush one's teethlavarse los dientes/cepillarse los dient
to comb one's hairpeinarse/cepillarse
to comevenir
to feel like (doing something)tener ganas de + inf/tener ganas de
to have to (do something)tener que + inf/tener que
to plan OR to attendpensar + infinative/pensar + inf/pensar
to preferpreferir
to put makeup on (oneself)maquillarse
to shave (oneself)afeitarse
to take a shower OR to shower (oneself)ducharse
we likenos gusta/Nos gusta
what a shame!¡Qué lástima!