Navegando 2 (Chapter 6B)

Conjuguemos Vocabulary List

Prompt Answer
1. any at all 1. cualquiera
2. cake, pastry 2. el pastel
3. can opener 3. el abrelatas
4. clear 4. claro
5. coffee pot/maker 5. la cafetera
6. down, downstairs 6. abajo
7. evident, clear 7. evidente
8. iron 8. la plancha
9. necessary 9. preciso
10. obvious 10. obvio
11. smoke/fire alarm 11. la alarma de incendios
12. sure 12. seguro
13. to be fitting, to agree 13. convenir
14. to be glad, to make happy 14. alegrarse
15. to be worth 15. valer
16. to begin, to start 16. comenzar
17. to discuss, to argue 17. discutir
18. to doubt 18. dudar
19. to enchant 19. encantar
20. to please 20. complacer