Allez-Viens 2 (Chap. 9-3): Tu connais la nouvelle?

Conjuguemos Vocabulary List

Prompt Answer
1. know 1. ...quoi
2. see 2. ...tu vois
3. Anyway,... 3. Bref,...
4. At that point... 4. A ce moment-là...
5. by the way... 5. A propos...
6. Finally,... (E) 6. Enfin,...
7. Finally,... (F) 7. finalement,...
8. fortunately,... 8. heureusement,...
9. So,... 9. Alors,...
10. That is to say,... 10. C'est-à-dire que...
11. Therefore,... 11. Donc,...
12. to be in the process of doing something 12. être en train de
13. unfortunately,... 13. malheureusement,...