Buen Viaje 3 (Chapter 8-3)

Conjuguemos Vocabulary List

Prompt Answer
1. detour 1. desvío
2. flood 2. inundación
3. foreign currency 3. divisas
4. huge 4. agigantado
5. lightning 5. relámpago
6. money order 6. giro de dinero
7. mudslide 7. ola de lodo
8. number, stat 8. cifra
9. rescue worker 9. socorrista
10. storm 10. tormenta
11. support 11. soporte
12. telephone pole 12. poste de teléfono
13. to contribute 13. aportar
14. to include 14. involucrar
15. to loosen 15. aflojar
16. to provide 16. suministrar
17. to rescue 17. rescatar
18. to resume 18. reanudar
19. to scare 19. asustar
20. to trap 20. atrapar
21. to warn, to notice 21. advertir
22. truck driver 22. camionero