(mosquito) bitela picadura (de mosquito)
advertisement, announcementel anuncio
ballplayerel pelotero
bank, shore (of river, ocean)la orilla
brother-in-lawel cuñado
bushel arbusto
canyonel cañón
compassla brújula
constellationla constelación
earthquakeel terremoto
flowerla flor
forestel bosque
gardenerel/la jardinero/a
helicopterel helicóptero
junglela selva (jungla)
keyla llave
lambel cordero
marvella maravilla
naturela naturaleza
oceanel océano
pine treeel pino
problemel problema
rain forestel bosque de lluvia
seael mar
silkla seda
sister-in-lawla cuñada
starla estrella
stormla tempestad (tormenta)
streamel arroyo
thunderel trueno
to attackatacar
to beatbatir
to blowsoplar
to go campingir de camping
to move (location)mudarse
to offendofender
to scaleescalar una montaña
to shopir de compras
to take (pictures)sacar (fotos)
to waterregar
tombla tumba
volcanoel volcán
waterfallla catarata
workerel/la obreo/a