Navegando 3 (Chapter 2B)

Conjuguemos Vocabulary List

Prompt Answer
1. avantage 1. ventaja
2. blanket 2. cobija
3. bossy 3. mandón/mandona
4. comforter/bedcover 4. cubrecamas
5. couch 5. sofá
6. disadvantage 6. desventaja
7. disorder 7. desorden
8. disorganized/messy 8. desordenado/desordenada
9. dresser/chest of drawers 9. cómoda
10. dry 10. seco/seca
11. furious 11. furioso/furiosa
12. hanger 12. percha
13. impatient 13. impaciente
14. mattress 14. colchón
15. night table 15. mesa de noche
16. numerous 16. numeroso/numerosa
17. oganized 17. ordenado/ordenada
18. patient 18. paciente
19. pillow 19. almohada
20. pillowcase 20. funda
21. sheet 21. sábana
22. shelf 22. estante
23. the bathroom 23. baño
24. the bathtub 24. tina/bañera
25. the comb 25. peine
26. the hair 26. pelo
27. the hairdryer 27. secador
28. the lipstick 28. lápiz de labios
29. the lotion 29. loción
30. the mirror 30. espejo
31. the nail polish 31. esmalte de uñas
32. the purse 32. bolso
33. the toothbrush 33. cepillo de dientes
34. the toothpaste 34. pasta de dientes
35. the towel 35. toalla
36. to bathe 36. bañarse
37. to be missing/to be lacking 37. faltar
38. to brush one's teeth 38. cepillarse los dientes
39. to dry (oneself) 39. secarse
40. to fight (each other) 40. pelearse
41. to get angry 41. enojarse
42. to get dressed 42. vestirse
43. to get ready 43. prepararse
44. to get up 44. levantarse
45. to go to bed/to lie down 45. acostarse
46. to hug (each other) 46. abrazarse
47. to kiss (each other) 47. besarse
48. to paint one's nails 48. pintarse las uñas
49. to put away, keep 49. guardar
50. to put on (oneself) 50. ponerse
51. to put on lipstick 51. pintarse los labios
52. to put on makeup 52. maquillarse
53. to shave 53. afeitarse
54. to shower 54. ducharse
55. to wake up 55. despertarse
56. to wash one's hands 56. lavarse las manos
57. wet 57. mojado/mojada