Buen Viaje 3 (Chapter 7-1)

Conjuguemos Vocabulary List

Prompt Answer
1. business, undertaking 1. empresa
2. core 2. caleta
3. cove 3. ensenada
4. debt 4. deuda
5. dense, thick 5. espeso
6. drought 6. sequía
7. ear of corn 7. mazorca de maíz
8. fall (waterfall) 8. caída
9. fluvial, river-like 9. fluvial
10. hut, shack 10. bohío
11. imperial, commanding 11. imperante
12. mountainside 12. ladera de la montaña
13. mouth of a river 13. desembocadura
14. on the shore of a river or lake 14. lacustre
15. stilts 15. pilote
16. to arise 16. surgir
17. to be similar to 17. asemejarse a
18. to get rich 18. enriquecerse
19. to oppress 19. oprimir
20. to seal or to stamp 20. sellar
21. unforgettable 21. inolvidable
22. walled 22. amurallado
23. warm, hot 23. cálido
24. waterfall 24. salto