El pasado progresivo

Conjuguemos Verb Chart

abordar | to approach

abrir | to open

aburrir | to bore

aburrirse | to become bored

acostumbrarse | to get used to

adoptar | to adopt

afeitarse | to shave oneself

almorzar | to have lunch

andar | to walk

apagar | to turn off

apoyar | to support

arreglarse | to get ready

asimilar | to assimilate

ayudar | to help

bañarse | to bathe oneself

borrar | to erase

bucear | to scuba

caer | to fall

caerse | to fall

calmarse | to calm oneself

cantar | to sing

correr | to run

cuidarse | to take care of oneself

desear | to desire

devolver | to give back

divertirse | to have a good time

dormir | to sleep

dormirse | to fall asleep

enfermarse | to get sick

enojarse | to become angry

entender | to understand

escribir | to write

establecer | to establish

exigir | to demand

graduarse | to graduate

hacerse | to become

ir | to go

irse | to leave

jugar | to play

lavar | to wash

lavarse | to wash oneself

leer | to read

oír | to hear

pedir | to ask for

ponerse | to put on/to become (emotion)

quejarse | to complain

quitarse | to take off

recordarse | to recall

reír | to laugh

relajarse | to relax

romper | to break

salir | to depart

sentarse | to sit down

sentirse | to feel (well/ ill)

servir | to serve

sonreír | to smile

trabajar | to work

traducir | to translate

traer | to bring

ver | to see

verse | to see oneself

viajar | to travel

visitar | to visit

vivir | to live

volver | to go back/to do again