Tú + & - Commands S3 U4

Conjuguemos Verb Chart

aconsejar | to advise

aguantar | to endure/to hold

caerse | to fall

cortarse | to cut oneself

decir | to say

descansar | to rest

estar | to be (location)

estornudar | to sneeze

evitar | to avoid

examinar | to examine

exigir | to demand

hacer | to do/to make

ir | to go

lastimarse | to hurt oneself

poner | to put

quedarse | to remain

quejarse | to complain

recetar | to prescribe

recomendar | to recommend

relajarse | to relax

respirar | to breathe

romper | to break

saber | to know (how to)

salir | to depart

sentirse | to feel (well/ ill)

ser | to be (permanent)

tener | to have

tomar | to take/to drink

toser | to cough

venir | to come