Mandatos informales

Conjuguemos Verb Chart

abrir | to open

aceptar | to accept

amar | to love

ayudar | to help

bailar | to dance

beber | to drink

borrar | to erase

buscar | to look for

cambiar | to change

caminar | to walk

cantar | to sing

celebrar | to celebrate

cenar | to have supper

comer | to eat

completar | to complete

comprar | to buy

comprender | to understand

conducir | to drive

confirmar | confirm (the flight)

conocer | to know (someone)

correr | to run

crear | to create

creer | to believe

cuidar | to take care of

desayunar | to have breakfast

descansar | to rest

describir | to describe

escribir | to write

estudiar | to study

felicitar | to congratulate

festejar | to celebrate

guardar | to put away

hablar | to talk

limpiar | to clean

llamar | to call/to name

llegar | to arrive

llorar | to cry

luchar | to fight/to struggle

practicar | to practice

preguntar | to ask

recomendar | to recommend

volver | to go back/to do again