Present Tense: -er and -ir verbs only

Conjuguemos Verb Chart

abatir | to diminish

abrir | to open

aburrir | to bore

acudir | to attend to

admitir | to admit

añadir | to add

aplaudir | to applaud

aprender | to learn

asistir | to attend

bailar | to dance

barrer | to sweep (broom)

batir | to beat

beber | to drink

comer | to eat

comprender | to understand

confundir | to confuse

correr | to run

creer | to believe

deber | to owe (must/ ought)

decidir | to decide

describir | to describe

descubrir | to discover

discutir | to discuss

dividir | to divide

esconder | to hide

escribir | to write

inscribir | to inscribe (record)

insistir | to insist

interrumpir | to interrupt

leer | to read

meter | to insert

permitir | to permit

poseer | to possess

prometer | to promise

recibir | to receive

subir | to go up/to rise

vender | to sell

vivir | to live