adolescenciala adolescencia
affectionel cariño
at first sighta primera vista
before (followed by infinitive)antes de
before (followed by the subjunctive)antes de que
boyfriend, fiancé, groomel novio
churchla iglesia
date (romantic); appointmentla cita
deathla muerte
divorce (noun)el divorcio
engagementel noviazgo
for what purpose?; what for?¿para qué?
friend (female)la amiga
friend (male)el amigo
friendshipla amistad
girlfriend, fiancée, bridela novia
honeymoonla luna de miel
husbandel marido
in case (followed by infinitive)en caso de
in case (followed by the subjunctive)en caso de que
in love withenamorado de
infancy; childhoodla infancia/la niñez
lifela vida
love (noun)el amor
marriage, married coupleel matrimonio
married couple, partnerla pareja
middle agela madurez
newlywedrecién casado
old agela vejez
provided (followed by infinitive)con tal de
provided that; as long as (followed by the subjunctive)con tal de que
rather, sufficiently, enoughbastante
separationla separación
so/in order thatpara que
so; so that; in order to (followed by infinitive)para
spouse (female)la esposa
spouse (male)el esposo
stage, phasela etapa
to be a married personser casado
to be bornnacer
to be married toestar casado con
to be with (someone)estar con
to break up withromper con
to diemorir
to divorce, get divorced fromdivorciarse de
to fall in love withenamorarse de
to fight with (someone)pelear con
to get along poorly withllevarse mal con
to get along well withllevarse bien con
to get married tocasarse con
to go out with (someone)salir con
to growcrecer
to loveamar/querer
to meet (each other)conocerse
to meet (someone for the first time)conocer
to separate from (someone)separarse de
unlessa menos que
wedding ceremonyla boda
why?¿por qué?
widowla viuda
widowerel viudo
wifela mujer/la marida
without (followed by infinitive)sin
without (followed by the subjunctive)sin que
youth (phase of life)la juventud