Enough! | ¡Basta! |
How do you get to...? | ¿Cómo se va? |
OK. Agreed | de acuerdo |
alongside, next to | al lado de |
already | ya |
approximately | aproximadamente |
as far as, up to | hasta |
behind | detrás de |
between | entre |
complicated | complicado |
dangerous | peligroso |
far | lejos de |
from, since | desde |
in front of | delante de |
in the middle of | en medio de |
leave me alone | déjame en paz |
narrow | estrecho |
near | cerca de |
on top of | encima de |
slowly | despacio |
straight | derecho |
the (city) block | la cuadra |
the (street) corner | la esquina |
the airplane | el avión |
the avenue | la avenida |
the bicycle | la bicicleta |
the boat | el barco |
the bridge | el puente |
the bus | el autobús |
the car | el coche |
the driver | el conductor |
the driver's license | el permiso de manejar |
the fountain | la fuente |
the highway | la carretera |
the intersection | el cruce de calles |
the means of transportation | los medios de transporte |
the pedestrian | el peatón |
the plaza | la plaza |
the police officer | el policía |
the statue | la estatua |
the stop sign | la señal de parada |
the stoplight | el semáforo |
the subway | el metro |
the taxi | el taxi |
the traffic | el tráfico |
the train | el tren |
the truck | el camión |
to be careful | tener cuidado |
to be in a hurry | tener prisa |
to be located | quedar |
to be sure | estar seguro |
to bring | traer |
to come | venir |
to cross | cruzar |
to drive | manejar |
to follow, to continue | seguir |
to give a ticket | poner una multa |
to leave, to depart | salir |
to leave, to let | dejar |
to pass, to go | pasar |
to say, to tell | decir |
to stop | parar |
to take away, to remove | quitar |
to the left | a la izquierda |
to the right | a la derecha |
to turn | doblar |
to wait | esperar |
under | debajo de |
wide | ancho |