a special eventun evento especial
auditionla audición
beauty salonel salón de belleza
beforeantes de
beltel cinturón
blow dryerel secador
brushel cepillo
cologneel agua de colonia
combel peine
contestel concurso
datela cita
deoderantel desodorante
for examplepor ejemplo
gelel gel
goldel oro
it dependsdepende
it is his, herses suyo
it is minees mío
it is ourses nuestro
it is theirses suyo
it is yourses tuyo
jewelrylas joyas
lipslos labios
make-upel maquillaje
mirrorel espejo
nailslas uñas
razorla máquina de afeitar
showerla ducha
silverla plata
soapel jabón
then, laterluego
to borrowpedir prestado
to brush one's teethcepillarse los dientes
to comb one's hairpeinarse el pelo
to cut one's haircortarse el pelo
to dry oneselfsecarse
to fix one's hairarreglarse el pelo
to get dressed, dress oneselfvestirse
to get readyprepararse
to get uplevantarse
to go to bedacostarse
to go to sleepdormirse
to paint one's nailspintarse las uñas
to put onponerse
to put on makeupmaquillarse
to shaveafeitarse
to take a bathbañarse
to take a showerducharse
to take off oneselfquitarse
to wake updespertarse
to wash one's facelavarse la cara
to wash oneselflavarse
towella toalla
weddingla boda
you look goodte ves bien