that oneése/ésa/eso
that one (over there)aquél/aquélla/aquello
the bathtubla tina
the breakfastel desayuno
the brushel cepillo
the combel peine
the deodorantel desodorante
the dinnerla cena
the faucetel grifo
the hairel pelo
the healthla salud
the makeupel maquillaje
the mealla comida
the shampooel champú
the shaving creamla crema de afeitar
the showerla ducha
the sinkel lavabo
the soapel jabón
the toiletel excusado
the towella toalla
these oneséstos/éstas
this oneéste/ésta/esto
those onesésos/ésas
those ones (over there)aquéllos/aquéllas
to bathebañarse
to brushcepillarse
to call oneselfllamarse
to calmcalmarse
to combpeinarse
to eat breakfastdesayunar
to eat dinnercenar
to eat lunchalmorzar
to get dressedvestirse
to go to bedacostarse
to put onponerse
to put on makeupmaquillarse
to shaveafeitarse
to showerducharse
to sit downsentarse
to stand uplevantarse
to stay/to remainquedarse
to take offquitarse
to wait for/to hope foresperar
to wake updespertarse
to washlavarse
to worrypreocuparse