What happened to you?Qué te pasó
for (lenght of time)por
the accidentel accidente
the allergyla alergia
the ambulancela ambulancia
the ankleel tobillo
the antla hormiga
the antibioticel antibiótico
the beela abeja
the bite, stingla picadura
the bloodla sangre
the boneel hueso
the braceslos frenillos
the calamine lotionla calamina
the castel yeso
the cockroachla cucaracha
the coughla tos
the cough syrupel jarabe para la tos
the crutcheslas muletas
the dustel polvo
the elbowel codo
the emergency roomla sala de emergencia
the eye dropslas gotas para los ojos
the flyla mosca
the illnessla enfermedad
the infectionla infección
the injection, shotla inyección
the insecticideel insecticida
the kneela rodilla
the medical testel análisis
the medicinela medicina
the mosquitoel mosquito
the nurse (f)la enfermera
the operationla operación
the pill, tabletla pastilla
the pollenel polen
the prescriptionla receta
the reactionla reacción
the repellantel repelente
the seafood, shellfishlos mariscos
the spiderla araña
the sticheslas puntadas
the symptomel síntoma
the virusel virus
the wheel chairla silla de ruedas
the wristla muñeca
the x-rayla radiografía
to be allergicser alérgico
to bite, stingpicar
to break (a bone)romperse
to burn oneselfquemarse
to coughtoser
to cut oneselfcortarse
to fall (down)caerse
to feelsentirse
to give a shot, injectionponer una inyección
to place, put, setponer
to prescriberecetar
to protect oneselfprotegerse
to put in sticheshacer puntadas
to sneezeestornudar
to take an x-raysacar una radiografía
to vomit,vomitar