I am lackingme falta
I would likequisiera
black hairpelo negro
blonde hairpelo rubio
brown hairpelo castaño
gray hairpelo canoso
handsome (m)guapo
long (m)largo
old (m)viejo
rich, tastyrico
short (length) (m)corto
the billla cuenta
the cupla taza
the dessertel postre
the drinking glassel vaso
the forkel tenedor
the knifeel cuchillo
the main dishel plato principal
the manel hombre
the napkinla servilleta
the pepperla pimienta
the plate, dishel plato
the saltla sal
the spoonla cuchara
the sugarel azúcar
the waiterel camarero
the womanla mujer
the young manel joven
the young womanla joven
to ask for, orderpedir
to be coldtener frío
to be thirstytener sed
to be warmtener calor
to bringtraer
to comevenir
to wantdesear
you're welcomede nada