because ofa causa de
he/she diedse murió
in a hurryde prisa
lloverto rain
suddenlyde repente
the announcerel locutor
the apartment buildingel edificio de apartamentos
the articleel artículo
the buildingel edificio
the causela causa
the disasterel desastre
the earthquakeel terremoto
the explosionla explosión
the fireel incendio
the firefighterel bombero
the floodla inundación
the furniturelos muebles
the heroel héroe
the heroinela heroína
the hurricaneel huracán
the injured personel herido
the ladderla escalera
the lifela vida
the newslas noticias
the newscastel noticiero
the paramedicel paramédico
the rainla lluvia
the reporterel reportero
the smokeel humo
the snowla nieve
the stormla tormenta
there was/there were (occurred)hubo
they diedse murieron
to burn up/to burn oneselfquemarse
to call on the phonellamar por teléfono
to destroydestruir
to escapeescaparse
to go downbajar
to go upsubir
to hearoír
to hide (oneself)esconderse
to investigateinvestigar
to light (fire)encender
to occurocurrir
to put out (fire)apagar
to rescuerescatar
to savesalvar
to screamgritar
to snownevar
to startcomenzar
to try totratar de
without a doubtsin duda
to screamgritar
to snownevar
to startcomenzar
to try totratar de
without a doubtsin duda