bad for healthmalo para la salud
bakedal horno
good for healthbueno para la salud
the (cooking) oilel aceite
the (cooking) potla olla
the (kitchen) sinkel fregadero
the breakfastel desayuno
the brothel caldo
the dinnerla cena
the fire/the burnerel fuego
the frying panla sartén
the garlicel ajo
the ingredientslos ingredientes
the lunchel almuerzo
the mealslas comidas
the microwaveel microondas
the ovenel horno
the pieceel pedazo
the recipela receta
the refrigeratorel refrigerador
the saucela salsa
the shellfishlos mariscos
the shrimplos camarones
the stovela estufa
the tablespoonla cucharada
the vinegarel vinagre
to addañadir
to beatbatir
to boilhervir
to choppicar
to cutcortar
to fryfreír
to heatcalentar
to leave/to letdejar
to light/to turn onencender
to maintain healthmantener la salud
to mixmezclar
to peelpelar
to taste/to tryprobar
to throw outtirar