Can you bring me...?¿Me puede traer...?/me puede traer
Can you bring us the bill?¿Nos puede traer la cuenta?
Do you want anything else?¿Desean algo más?
How much is it?¿Cuánto es?
I would likequisiera
I'm hungry.Tengo hambre./tengo hambre
I'm thirsty.Tengo sed./tengo sed
Is it included?¿Está incluida?
It's seperate.Es aparte./es aparte
What do you prefer?¿Qué prefieres?
What's there to drink?¿Qué hay para tomar?
a glass of milkun vaso de leche
at allpara nada
eight hunderedochocientos/ochocientas
eighty thousandochenta mil
five hunderedquinientos/quinientas
forty five thousandcuarenta y cinco mil
four hunderedcuatrocientos/cuatrocientas
nine hunderednovecientos/novecientas
one hundered thousandcien mil
one thousandmil
other, anotherotro/otra
pleasepor favor
rich, deliciousrico/rica
seven hunderedsetecientos/setecientas
six hunderedseiscientos/seiscientas
strong, heavyfuerte
ten thousanddiez mil
the applela manzana
the baconel tocino
the bananael plátano
the beanslos frijoles
the beefla carne de res
the beveragela bebida
the billla cuesta
the bowl (one word)el tazón
the bowl (two words)el plato hondo
the breakfastel dasayuno
the cakeel pastel
the carrotla zanahoria
the cerealel cereal
the cheeseel queso
the chickenel pollo
the cookiela galleta
the cornel maíz
the custardel flan
the dessertel postre
the eggslos huevos
the fishel pescado
the forkel tenedor
the grapefruitel toronja
the grapeslas uvas
the hamel jamón
the hot dogel perro caliente
the iced teael té frío
the jellyla jalea
the knifeel cuchillo
the lemonadela limonada
the lettucela lechuga
the lunchel almuerzo
the mangoel mango
the meatla carne
the menuel menú
the milkla leche
the milkshakeel batido
the mineral waterel agua mineral
the napkinla servilleta
the onionla cebolla
the orange juiceel jugo de naranja
the papayala papaya
the peanut butterla crema de maní
the pineapplela piña
the plateel plato
the potato chipslas papitas
the riceel arroz
the sandwichel sándwich
the shrimplos camarones
the soupla sopa
the spoonla cuchara
the steakel bistec
the strawberryla fresa
the sugarel azúcar
the sweet rollel pan dulce
the tipla propina
the toastel pan tostado
the tomatoel tomate
the tunael atún
the vegetableslas legumbres
the waiterel camarero
the waitressla camarera
three hunderedtrescientos/trescientas
to be able, canpoder
to be hungrytener hambre
to be really thirstytener mucha sed
to bringtraer
to eat lunchalmorzar
to order, to ask forpedir
to really like, to loveencantar
two hundereddoscientos/doscientas
usuallypor lo general