despite/even thoughaunque
self-confidenceconfianza en sí mismo
stressed outestresado
the adviceel consejo
the aerobicslos ejercicios aeróbicos
the agela edad
the allergyla alergia
the antibioticel antibiótico
the aspirinla aspirina
the calciumel calcio
the carbohydrateel carbohidrato
the centigrade degreeel grado centígrado
the coughla tos
the crampel calambre
the crunchesabdominales
the dietla dieta
the eating habitel hábito alimenticio
the energyla energía
the feverla fiebre
the fiberla fibra
the flula gripe
the foodlos alimentos
the heightla estatura
the ironel hierro
the junk foodla comida basura
the levelel nivel
the nutrition/the feedingla alimentación
the proteinla proteína
the snackla merienda
the strengthla fuerza
the stressel estrés
the syrupel jarabe
the vitaminla vitamina
the wayla manera
the weightel peso
to adviseaconsejar
to avoidevitar
to be exahausted/sleepycaerse de sueño
to be fitestar en forma
to be in a bad moodestar de mal humor
to be in a good moodestar de buen humor
to breatherespirar
to complainquejarse
to concentrateconcentrarse
to containcontener
to demandexigir
to developdesarrollar
to do push-upshacer flexiones
to endure/to tolerateaguantar
to feel awfulsentirse fatal
to flex/to stretchflexionar
to have a coldestar resfriado
to includeincluir
to relaxrelajarse
to skip a mealsaltar una comida
to sneezeestornudar
to stretchestirar
to take/to drinktomar
to use a stationary bikehacer bicicleta
to use a treadmillhacer cinta
to worrypreocuparse
to use a stationary bikehacer bicicleta
to use a treadmillhacer cinta
to worrypreocuparse