I already knowya lo sé
I was going to... but I wasn't ableiba a... pero no pude
It's necessaryes preciso
ankleel tobillo
balancedbalanceado/balanceado a
be carefulten cuidado
calf (of the leg)el muslo
competitionla competencia
cyclingel ciclismo
dietla dieta
don't add saltno añadas sal
don't be...no seas...
elbowel codo
fatla grasa
for (a period of time)por
get into shapeponte en forma
habitel hábito
healthla salud
healthysano/sano a
hikingel senderismo
it's just that...es que...
kneela rodilla
martial artslas artes marciales
mountain climbingel montañismo
neckel cuello
shoulderel hombro
stop smokingdeja de fumar
stressel estrés
swimmingla natación
thighel muslo
to ache/to hurtdoler
to avoidevitar
to be in good shapeestar en plena forma
to be on a diethacer régimen
to become illenfermarse
to breatherespirar
to complainquejarse
to dedicatededicar
to do sit-upshacer abdominales
to enrollinscribirse
to forget (about)olvidarse (de)
to get tiredcansarse
to give permissiondar permiso
to go mountain climbingescalar montañas
to have a cramptener calambre
to have fundivertirse
to hurt (oneself)hacerse daño
to injure (oneself)lastimarse
to jump ropesaltar a la cuerda
to lift weightslevantar pesas
to lose weightbajar de peso
to movemoverse
to put on weightaumentar de peso
to relaxrelajarse
to rememberacordarse de
to rowremar
to spraintorcerse
to stay in shapemantenerse en forma
to stretchestirarse
to sweatsudar
to trainentrenarse
track and fieldel atletísmo
well-beingel bienestar
wristla muñeca