el tratamiento (syn)el trato
el trato (syn)el tratamiento
free (of charge)gratúito/gratúita
the (political) asylumel asilo
the assassinel asesino
the assassinationel asesinato
the assault, attackel asalto
the crimeel delito
the disappearancela desaparición
the executionla ejecución
the human rightslos derechos humanos
the jailla cárcel
the old agela vejez
the oppressionla opresión
the persecutionla persecución
the rape, violationla violación
the repressionla represión
the rightel derecho
the slaveryla esclavitud
the spreading, dissemination, diffusionla difusión
the standard of livingel nivel de vida
the supportel apoyo
the trialel juicio
the universal suffrageel sufragio universal
the well-beingel bienestar
to assassinateasesinar
to assaultasaltar
to assureasegurar
to chooseescoger
to demandexigir
to detaindetener
to developdesarrollar
to disappeardesaparecer
to enjoydisfrutar
to executeejecutar
to exiledesterrar
to oppressoprimir
to persecuteperseguir
to promotepromover
to rapeviolar
to rape, to violateviolar
to spread, diffuse, disseminatedifundir
to supportapoyar
to treattratar
to rapeviolar
to rape, to violateviolar
to spread, diffuse, disseminatedifundir
to supportapoyar
to treattratar