alienated, insane (fem) | enajenada, enajenadas |
ashamed, embarrased (masc) | avergonzado, avergonzados |
brave, courageous (s, pl) | valiente, valientes |
but instead (+ correcting verb) | sino que |
but (no contradiction) | pero |
but rather (+ contradicting noun, adj, adv, or prep phrase) | sino |
conceited, vane (fem) | vanidosa, vanidosas |
hardly | apenas |
in spite of | a pesar de |
passionate (plur) | apasionados, apasionadas |
presumptuous (plur) | presumidos, presumidas |
sensitive (s,pl) | sensible, sensibles |
stubborn (masc) | terco, tercos |
the advance | el avance |
the behavior | la conducta |
the brain | el cerebro |
the discovery | el descubrimiento |
the enigma | el enigma |
the medication | el medicamento |
the mind | la mente |
the mood | el estado de ánimo |
the morals, moral values | los valores morales |
the mystery | el misterio |
the pleasure | el placer |
the punishment | el castigo |
the scoundrel, rascal (ü = alt 129) | el sinvergüenza |
the self respect | el amor propio |
to avoid | evitar |
to be passionate about | apasionarse |
to deceive, betray, fool | engañar |
to develop | desarrollarse |
to experiment | experimentar |
to get emotional | emocionarse/emocionarse |
to have worth | tener valor |
to increase | aumentar |
to influence | influir |
to obsess about | obsesionarse |
to overcome, rise above | superar |
to reason (out) | razonar |
to reveal | revelar |
to underline, underscore | subrayar |
ungrateful (sing) | ingrato, ingrata |
with a complex (i.e. inferiority) (sing) | acomplejado, acomplejada |
with bad habits, vices (sing) | vicioso, viciosa |