a divorce | un divorcio |
a gesture | un gesto |
a union, joining | una unión |
divorced (fem forms) | divorciada, divorciadas |
excentric (m forms) | excéntrico, excéntricos |
extraverted (f forms) | extrovertida, extrovertidas |
favored (plur forms) | beneficiados, beneficiadas |
humiliating (s, pl) | humillante, humillantes/humillante, humillantes |
immature (pl forms) | inmaduros, inmaduras |
often | a menudo |
passionate (sing forms) | apasionado, apasionada |
private (sing forms) | privado, privada |
quiet (plur forms) | callados, calladas |
rude (fem forms) | grosera, groseras |
separated (plur forms) | separados, separadas |
shameless (ü = alt 129) | sinvergüenza |
spoiled (sing forms) | consentido, consentida/malcriado, malcriada |
stingy (masc forms) | tacaño, tacaños |
the anguish | la angustia |
the behavior | el comportamiento |
the benefit | el beneficio |
the humiliation | la humillación |
the insecurity | la inseguridad |
the passion | la pasión |
the phobia | la fobia |
the separation | la separación |
the therapist (ms, fs) | el terapeuta, la terapeuta |
to become passionate | apasionarse |
to benefit | beneficiarse |
to divorce | divorciarse |
to dominate, control | dominar |
to get together, unite | unir/unirse |
to grasp, capture | captar |
to humiliate | humillar |
to notice | fijarse |
to overcome | superar |
to possess | poseer |
to separate | separarse |
united, joined (sing forms) | unido, unida |