he has a fevertiene fiebre
the armel brazo
the backla espalda
the bedla cama
the boy has a coughel muchacho tiene tos
the boy has the fluel muchacho tiene la gripe
the chestel pecho
the chillslos escalofríos
the coldel catarro
the earslas orejas
the elbowel codo
the eyeslos ojos
the facela cara
the feverla fiebre
the fingerslos dedos
the flula gripe
the footel pie
the girl has a coldla muchacha tiene catarro
the hairel pelo
the handla mano
the headla cabeza
the kneela rodilla
the legla pierna
the lipslos labios
the mouthla boca
the neckel cuello
the noseel nariz
the shoulderel hombro
the stomachel estómago
the wristla muñeca
to be sickestar enfermo
to coughtoser
to have a head achetener dolor de cabeza
to have a sore throattener dolor de garganta
to sneezeestornudar
to stay in bedguardar cama