It is snowingNieva
What is the weather?¿Qué tiempo hace?
slalom skiingel slálom
the chair liftel telesilla
the coldel frío
the gloveslos guantes
the hatel gorro
the hillla cuesta
the jacketel anorak
the skiel esquí
the ski goggleslas gafas
the ski liftel telesquí
the ski poleel bastón
the ski seasonla estación de esquí
the skierel esquiador
the snowla nieve
the snow stormla nevada
the temperaturela temperatura
the ticket boothla boletería
the ticket windowla ventanilla
the trailla pista
the winterel invierno
there are snow showershay nevadas
to go downbajar
to go upsubir
to know a personconocer
to know informationsaber
to loseperder