baseballel béisbol
basketballel baloncesto/el básquetbol
batel bate
capla gorra
courtla cancha
fieldel campo
footballel fútbol americano
gameel partido
gloveel guante
goalel gol
helmetel casco
iceel hielo
outdoorsel aire libre
over (the top of)por encima de
poolla piscina
racketla raqueta
skateboardla patineta
skateslos patines
soccerel fútbol
stadiumel estadio
teamel equipo
tennisel tenis
the backboard (basketball)el tablero
the ball (large)el balón
the ball (medium)la pelota
the basela base
the basket (net)el cesto/el canasto
the batter (f)la bateadora
the batter (m)el bateador
the catcherel receptor, el cátcher
the fallel otoño
the footel pie
the gloveel guante
the goalla portería
the goalie (f)la portera
the goalie (m)el portero
the groundel suelo
the handla mano
the headla cabeza
the hitel hit
the home plateel platillo
the homerunel jonrón
the inningla entrada
the netla red
the outel out
the outfielderel jardinero
the pitcher (m)el pícher/el lanzador
the player (f)la jugadora
the player (m)el jugador
the referee (f)la árbitra
the referee (m)el árbitro
the rim (basket)el aro
the scoreel tanto
the scoreboardel tablero indicador
the second halfel segundo tiempo
the soccer fieldel campo de fútbol
the spectator, fan (f)la espectadora
the spectator, fan (m)el espectador
the summerel verano
the teamel equipo
the winterel invierno
to batbatear
to be able to, can, maypoder
to be tied (score)quedar empatado
to beginempezar/comenzar
to blockbloquear
to catchatrapar
to dribbledriblar
to kicktirar con el pie/patear
to lift weightslevantar pesas
to loseperder/perder
to make (score) a goalmeter un gol
to make a basketencestar/meter en el cesto
to passpasar
to playjugar/jugar/jugar
to preferpreferir
to return (a thing)devolver
to return (to a place)volver
to runcorrer
to score a pointmarcar un tanto
to skatepatinar
to skateboardandar en patineta
to skiesquiar
to sleepdormir
to stealrobar
to stopparar
to throwlanzar/tirar
to touchtocar
to wantquerer
to winganar/ganar
volleyballel vólibol