at this moment, right awayel este momento
by planeen avión
on boarda bordo
on timea tiempo
th suitcasela maleta
the agent, agente
the agent, m.el agente
the air linela línea aérea
the airportel aeropuerto
the arrivalla llegada
the baggage tagel talón
the boarding passla tarjeta de embarque/el pase de abordar
the check in counterel mostrador
the clothingla ropa
the commanderel comandante
the copilot, m.el copiloto
the customsla aduana
the departurela salida
the destinationel destino
the exit doorla puerta de salida
the flightel vuelo
the flight attendent, asistenta de vuelo
the flight attendent, m.el asistente de vuelo
the flight crewla tripulación
the flight numberel número de vuelo
the hand luggageel equipaje de mano
the leave, go outsalir
the luggage claimel reclamo de equipaje
the luggage, baggageel equipaje
the no-smoking sectionla sección de no fumar
the passportel pasaporte
the passport controlel control de pasaportes
the pilot, piloto
the planeel avión
the rowla fila
the scalela báscula
the screenla pantalla
the seatel asiento
the security controlel control de seguridad
the sign that shows flight infoel tablero
the taxiel taxi
the ticketel boleto, el billete
the trunkel maletero
to boardabordar
to bringtraer
to checkrevisar
to check the baggagefacturar
to claimrecoger
to disembarkdesembarcar
to do, to makehacer
to go upsubir
to inspectinspeccionar
to landaterrizar
to openabrir
to pack the suitcasehacer la maleta
to putponer
to reclaimreclamar
to take a triphacer el viaje
to take offdespegar
to pack the suitcasehacer la maleta
to putponer
to reclaimreclamar
to take a triphacer el viaje
to take offdespegar