above, toparriba
bottom, belowabajo
dark, mutedapagado
lively, brightvivo
next tojunto a
standingde pie
the artist (f)la artista
the artist (m)el artista
the backgroundel fondo
the centerel centro
the figurela figura
the foregroundel primer plano
the formla forma
the galleryla galerĂ­a
the muralel mural
the muralistel muralista
the paint brushel pincel
the paint, paintingla pintura
the palettela paleta
the portraitel retrato
the profileel perfil
the self-portraitel autorretrato
the shade, shadowla sombra
the still-lifela naturaleza muerta
the styleel estilo
the themeel tema
the toneel tono
the work of artla obra de arte
to attractatraer
to interpretinterpretar
to paintpintar