G ratedapta para toda la familia
I have seenhe visto
PG ratedse recomienda discreción
PG-13 ratedprohibido para menores
R ratedsólo para mayores
You have seenhas visto
looks at all sides (of an issue), objectiveobjetivo/objetiva/objetivos/objetivas
looks at one side (of an issue), subjectivesubjetivo/subjetiva/subjetivos/subjetivas
the (news) commentaryel comentario
the finela multa
the news programel noticiero
the reportel reportaje
the satellite dishla antena parabólica
to be moved, to be touchedemocionarse
to change the channelcambiar de canal
to decidedecidir
to laughreírse
to recordgrabar
to rentalquilar
to yawnbostezar
too many, to muchdemasiado
to laughreírse
to recordgrabar
to rentalquilar
to yawnbostezar
too many, to muchdemasiado