I cut my fingernailsme corto las uñas
I dry (myself)me seco
I fall asleepme duermo
I need to showernecesito ducharme
I put on the jacketme pongo la chaqueta
I shave (myself)me afeito
I train myselfme entreno
alarm clockdespertador
blowdryersecadora de pelo
he brushes his teethse cepilla los dientes
he has to comb his hairtiene que peinarse
he trains (himself)se entrena
he wakes upse despierta
shaving creamcrema de afeitar
she cuts her fingernailsse corta las uñas
she gets upse levanta
she needs to get upnecesita levantarse
she puts on makeupse maquilla
she puts on the pantsse pone los pantalones
they bathe (themselves)se bañan
they go to bed (put themselves to bed)se acuestan
toothbrushcepillo de dientes
toothpastepasta de dientes
we get (ourselves) upnos levantamos
we have to shavetenemos que afeitarnos
you wake (yourself) upte despiertas