harassmentel acoso
safety, securityla seguridad
the assassinel asesino
the bodyguard (fem)la guardaespaldas
the bodyguard (masc)el guardaespaldas
the bombla bomba
the crimeel crimen
the crime/ offenseel delito
the dealer (drugs) (masc)el traficante
the delinquent person (fem)la delincuente
the delinquent person (masc)el delincuente
the gangla pandilla
the gun, the revolverel revólver
the homicideel homicidio
the kidnapping / hijackingel secuestro
the murderer (fem)la homicida
the murderer (masc)el homicida
the robberyel robo
the secret agent (fem)la agente secreta
the secret agent (masc)el agente secreto
the security guard (fem)la guardia de seguridad
the security guard (masc)el guardia de seguridad
the smuggler (fem)la contrabandista
the smuggler (masc)el contrabandista
the suspect (masc)el sospechoso
the tattooel tatuaje
the thief (fem)la ladrona
the thief (masc)el ladrón
to abuseabusar de
to become intoxicatedembriagarse
to cheatestafar
to disappoint or defrauddefraudar
to fire a gundisparar
to get a tattootatuarse
to kidnap/ hijacksecuestrar
to rob/stealrobar
to take care ofcuidarse
to vandalizevandalizar
tthe dealer (drugs) (fem)la traficante
to kidnap/ hijacksecuestrar
to rob/stealrobar
to take care ofcuidarse
to vandalizevandalizar
tthe dealer (drugs) (fem)la traficante