atticel desván
basementel sótano
cabinetel gabinete
lawnmowerel cortacésped
lightbulbla bombilla
to apply yourself to somethingdedicarse a
to complainquejarse
to connectconectar
to emptyvaciar
to feel frustratedsentirse frustrado
to fight with each otherpelearse
to forgive each otherperdonarse
to get along wellllevarse bien
to get discourageddesanimarse
to get encouraged, interestedanimarse
to get excitedentusiasmarse
to get nervousponerse nervioso
to greet each othersaludarse
to hate each otherodiarse
to help each otherayudarse
to hideesconderse
to know each other wellconocerse bien
to opposeoponerse a
to phone each othertelefonearse
to plug inenchufar
to repairreparar
to support each otherapoyarse
to take apartdesarmar
to tell each other gossipcontarse chismes
to tell each other secretscontarse secretos
to turn offdesconectar
to turn onencender
to unplugdesenchufar
to waterregar
to weeddesyerbar
trashcan, wastebasketel basurero
weedslas malas hierbas