(cough) syrupel jarabe
(eye)glasseslas gafas
(front) toothel diente
bloodla sangre
bodyel cuerpo
brainel cerebro
check-upel chequeo
cold (illness)el resfriado
congested, stuffed upresfriado
contact lenseslentes de contacto
cough (noun)el tos
date, appointmentla cita
dentist (female)la dentista
dentist (male)el dentista
dizzy, nauseatedmareado
emergency roomla sala de emergencias
enoughlo suficiente
eyeel ojo
feverla fiebre
flula gripe
headla cabeza
healthla salud
heartel corazón
illness, sicknessla enfermedad
inner earel oído
last nightanoche
lungslos pulmones
medical officeel consultorio
molar (back tooth)la muela
mouthla boca
nosela nariz
nurse (female)la enfermera
nurse (male)el enfermero
outer earla oreja
pain, acheel dolor
past, lastpasado
patient (noun - female)la paciente
patient (noun - male)el paciente
pharmacist (female)la farmacéutica
pharmacist (male)el farmacéutico
pillla pastilla
prescriptionla receta
right awayen seguida
stomachel estómago
suddenlyde repente
symptomel síntoma
that means...eso quiere decir
the bad thing/ newslo malo
the day before yesterdayanteayer
the good thing/ newslo bueno
throatla garganta
to bothermolestar
to breatherespirar
to coughtoser
to do aerobic exerciseshacer ejercicios aeróbicos
to do yogahacer yoga
to embrace, hug each otherabrazarse
to examineexaminar
to extract someone's toothsacarle un diente
to get tiredcansarse
to get/catch a coldresfriarse
to give someone a shot, injectionponerle una inyección
to greet/ say hello to each othersaludarse
to have a pain/ache intener dolor de
to hurt, to achedoler
to kiss each otherbesarse
to lead a calm lifellevar una vida tranquila
to lead a healthy lifellevar una vida sana
to love each otherquererse
to meet someone somewhereencontrarse
to shake handsdarse la mano
to stay in bed (when one is ill)guardar cama
to stick out one's tonguesacar la lengua
to stop/quit (doing something)dejar de
to take care of oneselfcuidarse
to take someone's temperaturetomarle la temperatura
treadmillla rueda de molino
treatmentel tratamiento
twicedos veces
well-beingel bienestar