address (noun) | la dirección |
as a child | de niño |
as a youth, at a young age | de joven |
babysitter (female) | la niñera |
babysitter (male) | el niñero |
boring (tedious), difficult | pesado |
childhood | la niñez |
clothes dryer | la secadora |
coffeemaker | la cafetera |
currently, right now | en la actualidad |
cycling | el ciclismo |
dishwasher | el lavaplatos |
era, time (period) | la época |
football | el fútbol americano |
freezer | el congelador |
game, match | el partido |
grade (year in school) | el grado |
hobby | la afición |
household appliance | el aparato doméstico |
household chore | el quehacer doméstico |
microwave oven | el horno de microondas |
player (female) | la jugadora |
player (male) | el jugador |
refrigerator | el refrigerador |
school | la escuela |
soccer | el fútbol |
spare time | los ratos libres |
sporting, sports (adj.) | deportivo |
stove | la estufa |
swimming (name of sport) | la natación |
team | el equipo |
to be a fan | ser aficionado |
to be boring | ser aburrido |
to be fun | ser divertido |
to be someone's turn | tocarle a uno |
to clean | limpiar |
to clear the table | quitar la mesa |
to dust the furniture | sacudir los muebles |
to fight | pelear |
to get bored | aburrirse |
to go for a bike ride | pasear en bicicleta |
to go to a bar | ir a un bar |
to go to a concert | ir a un concierto |
to go to a disco | ir a una discoteca |
to go to the theater | ir al teatro |
to have a picnic | hacer un picnic |
to hit | pegar |
to iron clothing | planchar la ropa |
to leave behind (in a place) | dejar en |
to make plans | hacer planes |
to make the bed | hacer la cama |
to paint the walls | pintar las paredes |
to play chess | jugar al ajedrez |
to practice, train | entrenar |
to ride a horse, go horseback riding | montar a caballo |
to ring, to sound (a bell, etc.) | sonar |
to rollerblade | patinar en línea |
to run | correr |
to set the table | poner la mesa |
to skate | patinar |
to ski | esquiar |
to surf | hacer surfing |
to sweep | barrer |
to take a walk | dar un paseo |
to take out the trash | sacar la basura |
to vacuum | pasar la aspiradora |
to visit a museum | visitar un museo |
to walk | caminar |
to wash the clothes | lavar la ropa |
to wash the dishes | lavar los platos |
to win | ganar |
toaster | la tostadora |
too much (adv.) | demasiado |
vacuum cleaner | la aspiradora |
washing machine | la lavadora |
while | mientras |