about or aroundalrededor de
according tosegún
against (figuretively and physically)contra
beforeantes de
before or in front ofante/delante de
before, in front ofdelante de
behind, in back ofdetrás
below, underneathdebajo de
beneath or underbajo
beside, near, next toal lado de/junto a
between, amongentre
calendarel calendario
close to, nearcerca de
codice (ancient manuscript)códice
conquererel conquistador
conquestla conquista
cultivationel cultivo
deityla deidad
emperorel emperador
facing, in front ofenfrente de/frente de
far fromlejos de
female builderla constuctora
female creatorla creadora
female engineerla ingeniera
female habitantla habitante
female healerla curandera
female slavela esclava
fightla lucha
for, by, throughpor
for, in order topara
fortunetellerel adivino
fortunetelling or riddlela adivinanza
from or sincedesde
godel dios
goddessla diosa
heightel apogeo
hierarchy (rank)la jerarquía
in, on, aten
inside of or withindentro de
instead ofen vez de/en lugar de
inventionla invención
knowledgeel conocimiento
leatherel cuero
male builderel constructor
male creatorel creador
male engineerel ingeniero
male habitantel habitante
male healerel curandero
male slaveel esclavo
manufacturingla elaboración/la fabricación
on top ofencima de
on, abovesobre
outside offuera de
powerel poder
priestel sacerdote
pyramidel pirámide
ruinslas ruinas
summit or pinnaclela cumbre
to conquer (through war a land or people)conquistar
to conquer (to overcome an enemy or a desire)vencer
to constructconstruir
to createcrear
to cultivatecultivar
to directdirigir
to fightluchar
to inventinventar
to manufactureelaborar/fabricar
to occupyocupar
to predictadivinar
to rank (to create a hierarchy)jerarquizar
to reachalcanzar
to spread (to extend or expand)extender
to the lefta la izquierda
to the righta la derecha
with hercon ella
with himcon él
with meconmigo
with them (feminine)con ellas
with them (masculine)con ellos
with us (feminine)con nosotras
with us (masculine)con nosotros
with y'all (formal)con ustedes/con Uds.
with y'all (informal/feminine)con vosotras
with y'all (informal/masculine)con vosotros
with you (formal)con usted/con Ud.
with you (informal)contigo
workla obra
writingla escritura