the appetizerel aperitivo
the baconel tocino
the baked potatola papa al horno
the beveragela bebida
the breakfastel desayuno
the cakeel pastel/el bizcocho
the chickenel pollo
the coffeeel café
the dessertel postre
the dinnerla cena
the fried fishel pescado frito
the garlic breadel pan de ajo
the lunchel almuerzo
the mashed potatoesel puré de papas
the pancakeslas tortitas
the pastala pasta
the pieel pastel
the puddingel pudín
the sausagela salchicha
the scrambled eggslos huevos revueltos
the soupla sopa
the steakel filete
the syrupel jarabe
the teael té
the toastel brindis
the waffleslas galletas