the baconel tocino
the breastslas pechugas
the chickenel pollo
the clamslas almejas
the crabel cangrejo
the drumstickslas baquetas
the duckel pato
the gizzardslas mollejas
the ground beefla carne picada
the halibutel halibut
the lambel cordero
the liverel hígado
the lobsterla langosta
the meatla carne
the musselslos mejillones
the oysterslas ostras
the porkla carne de cerdo
the pork chopslas chuletas de cerdo
the roast beefla carne asada
the salmonel salmón
the sausagela salchicha
the scallopslas vieiras
the seafoodlos mariscos
the shrimpel camarón
the steakel filete
the thighslos muslos
the troutla trucha
the turkeyel pavo
the wingslas alas