afterdespués de
alarm clockel despertador
at nightpor la noche
bathroomel baño
daily routinela rutina diaria
finallypor último
in the afternoonpor la tarde
in the morningpor la mañana
latermás tarde
mirrorel espejo
shampooel champú
shaving creamla crema de afeitar
showerla ducha
sinkel lavabo
slipperslas pantuflas
soapel jabón
to bathebañarse
to be calledllamarse
to be important toimportar
to be interesting tointeresar
to be left overquedar
to be pleasing togustar
to boreaburrir
to bothermolestar
to brush one's haircepillarse el pelo
to brush one's teethcepillarse los dientes
to comb one's hairpeinarse
to dry (oneself)secarse
to fascinatefascinar
to feelsentirse
to get angry (with)enojarse
to get dressedvestirse
to get uplevantarse
to go awayirse
to go to bedacostarse
to go to sleepdormirse
to lackfaltar
to like very muchencantar
to put on makeupmaquillarse
to put on,to becomeponerse
to rememberacordarse
to say good-bye (to)despedirse
to shaveafeitarse
to showerducharse
to sit downsentarse
to stayquedarse
to take offquitarse
to try onprobarse
to wake updespertarse
to wash one's facelavarse la cara
to wash one's handslavarse las manos
to worrypreocuparse
toiletel inodoro
toothpastela pasta de dientes
towella toalla
to wash one's handslavarse las manos
to worrypreocuparse
toiletel inodoro
toothpastela pasta de dientes
towella toalla