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What color is...?de quelle couleur est...?
a CDun CD
a T-shirtun tee-shirt
a braceletun bracelet
a cassette tapeune cassette
a compact discun disque compact
a computerun ordinateur
a dictionaryun dictionnaire
a magazineun magazine
a novelun roman
a pair of jeansun jean
a pair of shortsun short
a posterun poster
a pulloverun pull-over
a radioune radio
a sweatshirtun sweat-shirt
a televisionune télévision
a videotapeune vidéocassette
a walletun portefeuille
a watchune montre
black (masc, feminine)noir, noire
blue (masc, feminine)bleu, bleue
green (masc, feminine)vert, verte
greygris, grise
purple (masc, feminine)violet, violette
some sneakersdes baskets
these, those (both masc & feminine)ces
this, that (feminine singular)cette
this, that (masculine singular before vowel)cet
this, that (masculine singular)ce
white (masc, feminine)blanc, blanche