a ballun ballon
a basketun panier
a bicycleune bicyclette
a bicyclist (f)une coureuse cycliste
a bicyclist (m)un coureur cycliste
a bikeun vélo
a fieldun terrain
a gameun match
a goalun but
a goalieun gardien de but
a kick with the footun coup de pied
a kick with the headun coup de tête
a kick, hitun coup
a netun filet
a penaltyun penalty
a player (f)une joueuse
a player (m)un joueur
a raceune course
a refereeun arbitre
a runner (m)un coureur
a runner(f)une coureuse
a spectator (f)une spectatrice
a spectator (m)un spectateur
a stadiumun stade
a teamune équipe
a trackune piste/une piste
a winner's cupune coupe
basketballle basket(-ball)
bleachersdes gradins
cyclingle cyclisme
last weekla semaine dernière
last yearl'année dernière
lots of peoplebeaucoup de monde
one timeune fois
soccerle foot(ball)
the courtle sol
the day before yesterdayavant-hier
the opponentsle camp (adverse)
the scorele score
the top of the keyun demi-cercle
the winner (f)la gagnante
the winner (m)le gagnant
to blockbloquer
to dribbledribbler
to loseperdre
to make a basketréussir un beau panier
to passpasser
to playjouer (à)
to receiverecevoir
to returnrenvoyer
to ride fastrouler vite
to score a goalmarquer un but
to sendenvoyer
to serveservir
to stoparrêter
to throwlancer
to tie (score)égaliser
to whistlesiffler
to wingagner
track and fieldl'athlétisme
volleyballle volley(-ball)
yesterday eveninghier soir
yesterday morninghier matin