healthy (f)saine
the ambulancel'ambulance
the ambulance driverl'ambulancier
the auxiliary nursel'aide-soignant
the checkupl'examen médical
the doctorle médecin
the fieldle terrain de plein air
the foodla nourriture
the greetingl'accueil
the growthl'accroissement
the horseback riderle cavalier
the hospitall'hopital
the lab technicianle laborantin
the laboratoryle laboratoire
the lungle poumon
the nursel'infirmier
the nutritionl'alimentation
the paymentla rémunération
the researchla recherche
the swimmerle nageur
the swimming poolla piscine
to be healthybien se porter
to be in good healthetre en bonne santé
to complainse plaindre
to demandexiger
to favorprivilégier
to horseback ridefaire de l'équitation
to swimfaire de la natation
to swim (bathe)se baigner
to take an x-rayfaire une radio
to take bloodfaire une prise de sang
to take the blood pressureprendre la tension
to take the pulseprendre le pouls
to walkfaire de la marche
to worry aboutse soucier de