against | contre |
already | déjà |
athletic, sporty | sportif/sportive |
ball (big) | le ballon |
ball (small) | la balle |
basketball | le basket |
champion | le champion |
coach | l'entraîneur/entraîneuse |
competition | la compétition |
dance | la danse |
disappointed | déçu/déçue |
excited | excité/excitée |
fast | rapide |
football | le football américain |
game (sports) | le match |
goal, aim | le but |
goalkeeper | le gardien de but |
hockey | le hockey |
opponent | l'adversaire |
player | la joueur/la joueuse |
playing field | le terrain |
practice, training | l'entraînement |
proud | fier/fière |
race | la course |
racket | la raquette |
referee | l'arbitre |
rowing | l'aviron |
several, many | plusieurs |
skate | le patin |
skating | le patinage |
skiing | le ski |
skillful | habile |
slow | lent/lente |
soccer | le football |
spectator | le spectateur/la spectatrice |
strong, loud | fort/forte |
swimming | la natation |
swimming pool | la piscine |
team | l'équipe |
to disappoint | décevoir |
to lose | perdre |
to play ( a sport) | jouer à |
to practice | s'entraîner |
to row | ramer |
to run | courir |
to score a goal | marquer un but |
to skate | patiner |
to swim | nager |
to whistle | siffler |
to win, to earn | gagner |
weak | faible |
whistle | le sifflet |